Monday, October 01, 2007

I'm how old now?

Another birthday has come and gone... it wasn't an "important" number -- nothing special to celebrate especially -- but it was good. My birthday landed on a Saturday, so in the evening -- quelle surprise -- we went to Kville Biljard; "we" being Linda, Kenneth, Robert, Jocke and Hayley; Jeff (a work colleague and one of the guys I'm going to Swedish lessons with) turned up later too. Small but good fun, doing what I like to do!

Linda bought me "Bioshock" for my XBox 360... Oh. My. God. What a fantastic game. I've gotten bored with FPSs, but this is SO much more. Lots of thinking as well as blasting, and the DNA "upgrades" you can inject into yourself are great (my fave being Telekenesis!). On top of that, the graphics are beautiful - retro (from the 40s and 50s). Yum. Go buy it now!

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