Friday, May 23, 2008

Settling in

Things are going pretty well with the after-move mayhem. We're unpacking boxes as quickly as we can, but of course it takes time. At least most of the rooms are livable in. Last Thursday I had a day off; the sofa was delievered, the satellite was installed and the security alarm was activated. We also indulged in a big plasma TV so we can watch satellite TV and play my XBox on it. The next thing is to connect the XBox to the internet - either by one of those wireless gizmos, or I might feed a cable down to the DorkDen.

The DorkDen™ is the name given to my basement room by Wenchie, which is a great name! It's small (because the rest of the basement has a shower, sauna and laundry room) but we've managed to fit quite a bit in there. There's a computer desk on one wall, with a desk big enough to fit all my radio stuff on. There's also a sofa and TV unit so I can chill if Linda's watching something upstairs.

I transmitted my first show on Wednesday, using Patsy, my new PC. Everything worked fine, even though I hadn't actually performed any test transmissions. This was all made possible by the fact that Tele2, against all odds, installed ADSL in two weeks! It was actually switched on on Thursday (the same day I was off). I guess because I was anticipating the same deal as last time, when I moved into the flat, that it would take a while. But now it seems that, because I'm not "apartment scum" any more it happened quicker. It also helps that the telephone switch is right outside our front fence!

We've done the big shopping run to IKEA, of course - twice now actually. The desk in the picture, with the new bin and filing system, are courtesy of our Swedish flatpack company, of course, along with lots of other little bits and pieces for the kitchen.

I was off from Monday to Wednesday this week with a cold. I guess the stress of moving and stuff caught up with me. Linda had the same thing the week before and had to take the rest of the week off from Wednesday. At least we've got the "summer cold" out of the way now!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

People are unreliable


That's all I can say... Big Eddie let us down by phoning Linda up the week before last, saying that he couldn't make it because of other work. That left us in the lurch somewhat - so we decided to buy some paint and get on with it ourselves.

It won't be finished in time, however. But we have to remind ourselves of the old adage, "Rome wasn't built in a day". The living room is nearly done and, touch wood, will be finished in time for the move. Then we can tackle each room after moving in. It's not as if the house was falling in on itself after all.

We christened the house last weekend, actually. On Saturday, my friend Robert came over to help me fill in the dreaded Tax forms (I closed my business down last year, so I had to report on it in this year's accounts), and afterwards, we joined up with Linda and Kenneth who had been painting throughout the day. Robert and Cicci had bought us a barbecue grill as a wedding gift, so we tried it out of course! After some rather fine flintstek (pork steak) with potato salad, we plunged into the jacuzzi that is in the back patio of the new house. Ah, bliss! And we had to try out the sauna as well. I can see us using those two contraptions quite often through the summer! And the previous owners told us there's nothing better than seeing the freezing cold New Year in than a bottle of chilled champange in the heated jacuzzi - we will certainly be trying that.

The old apartment is just about ready for moving now - there's a load of boxes lying around with the "last moment" stuff remaining, like my PC. Tele2 are unfortunately dragging their heels again witht he broadband transfer, so for some reason I still have broadband here at the flat (even though I asked them to start transferring it a week ago). That's ominous...

Other than that, nothing exciting to report... moving house can't be called "exciting" really, can it?!