The aforementioned "fall-back playlist" is just a piece of paper with some "classics" on it, so if my brain has a "dunno what to play" moment, I can just play something from the paper. Not so this time!
The second problem was that I'm suffering from DMF at the moment. If you don't know what that is, it's "Deadly Man Flu", which is the male version of the common cold. Most men collapse into a gibbering wreck when they catch it and become convinced that they're about to die. Actually, I usually try and ignore it. This is actually too far in the other extreme, because if you just try and work through it, it will actually get worse. Anyway, I'm taking it easy now, but having to work through it while DJing is actually very weird; I was having an "out of body" experience for most of the time. But, I got through it, so no worries.
I treated myself to a Bolognese last night, to help me through my DMF (bolognese actually being a "ragu" as the Italians would call it). I cheat by using a jar of Dolmio, but then I add my own onion, red pepper and garlic. I also added chilli to the whole thing, making it a sort of Chili Ragu Con Carne or something! But I made it nice and hot to clear my airwaves. It did the trick a little too well though. I like my food hot (spice-wise), and I overdid it slightly. My nose was certainly running afterwards; but unfortunately something else was running too

I'll be doing my usual SLAY Radio show tomorrow evening, even if the cold hasn't gone away. I'm a consummate professional y'know! (read: Idiot.)
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