Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What happened to April?

Blimey, a whole month went by without me noticing it! Mind you, there was good reason I suppose.

Anyhoo; it was May Day yesterday and, like England, Sweden takes the Monday off. So a bunch of us got on a boat and sailed to Denmark, to the little port town of Frederikshavn. While there, we drank some beer (actually, we'd started on spirits while on the boat), ate a lovely Thai meal, then did some shopping for cheap booze. Then on the express boat back, we complimented our liquor with some beer. So, after the day, I came back with two crates of beer, a box of red wine, a box of white wine, some ten-year-old whiskey and some Raspberry Vodka. Yum!

Actually, the Raspberry Vodka was kind-of a drink to share with Linda. "Who?" you may be saying. Well... I seem to have acquired one of those female-type devices... er... girlfriends, I think they're called in Real Life. That's why I've been a bit quiet in the past month, as I've been busily buying lots of books along the lines of "Dating Real-Life Girls For Geeks". Actually, that's a lie; but we've obviously been dating, so that's why I've not been around. But I'm sure you'll join me in welcoming Linda to my life (but shhh! don't tell her how mental I am!)

Going back to the Denmark excursion for a moment, one of the other guys that came along noticed Slaygon wearing his SLAY Radio hoodie. "So, you listen to it as well then?" he asked, to which Slaygon informed him that he actually owns the station. "Ah," says the fellow, "I know it from all those Mastering Swedish lessons you've done!" Slaygon points to me at this point, of course, and says "There's the guy that you hear flailing." So, even on a boat to Denmark, there's a small chance you'll meet someone who's heard the Mastering Swedish lessons. And if you're wondering what they are, check out the page on SLAY Radio by clicking here.

In other news... I just read that the big-headed mentally unbalanced prestidigitating nonce David "Ooh look at me, I'm making people happy" Blaine has started his new hair-brained "stunt" of floating in a sphere of water for seven days, concluding with an attempt to beat the longest hold-your-breath-under-water record. Twat. More "infotainment" on the bastion of all news websites, BBC News.

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