Sunday, November 01, 2009

New family member

On Saturday, we got a new family member, in the form of a kitten. Linda's sister and her boyfriend had a new litter recently (well, their cats did obviously) and asked us if we wanted one of them. Initially I said no, because I'm a grumpy old man and was happy just having Åke around. But having met the little bundle of energy my heart melted and gave in (much to Linda's delight).

As a "reward" for this, Linda decided that I can name the little kitty. So, she's called Fanny. Yes, exactly.

She's just  getting acquainted with us all right now, and she doesn't like Åke very much (hissing at him), but that's what cats are like sometimes and so, with a little time and patience, she'll come round to him. And she's a little Daddy's Girl too, sleeping with me last night until quite a decent hour actually. It was only around 9am that she realised how much fun it was to hunt down and chew on my toes.

Being so young she hardly sits still, so this is the best photo I've managed to take of her so far:

I'll try and post another one when I get a better quality shot!

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