Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's that time of the year again...

Yes, the transition between Summer and Autumn (or Fall) is when most people get a cold. Linda and I are no exception. Linda excused herself from work halfway through Tuesday. I suddenly started having that feeling - when you know you're going to get a cold - halfway through Wednesday, but I struggled on. I did a show as usual but I was really battling. Thursday morning, it had taken full hold of me.

Linda was still off work, so she managed to find a scrap of energy and drive down to mine, with Åke, so that we could be in pain and misery together.

It's Saturday morning now, and I've developed a cough from yesterday. I decided to get up at 8am, just so that Linda could have a few hours' decent sleep without me sounding like a 60-cigarettes-a-day smoker in her lughole.

I'm feeling a bit better today, which is good; today and Sunday should see me ready to get back to work on Monday, and of course, ready for the first Swedish lesson on Tuesday!

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