Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Never again...

Well, I've said it before, but this time I think I mean it: next time I move, I'm getting professional movers in. I've only ever done it once, and that's when I was moving here to Sweden (as there wasn't another easy choice) and that went well, even though they were just moving the boxes into a storage facility at the time. As mentioned on a previous blog, we were moving twice on one day - something in hindsight we definitely shouldn't have done. We finished at something like 9:45pm, and rushed to the biljard to at least have something to eat. We were absolutely knackered - moving my stuff down three flights of stairs, a 400 meter drive and then walking up three fights of stairs was just too much.

But, it's over and we moved now. Linda has come over the past couple of weekends to visit; once she has an internet connection I'll be going back up with her and spending a couple of days there.

Speaking of internet... Tele2 - despite being recommended by several people - have really dropped the ball on getting my phone line sorted. As mentioned in the previous blog, they had "lost" me and said they'd send a new contract "straight away". Well, last Thursday I still hadn't received anything. After phoning them AGAIN and explaining that I've already moved, the girl on the line said she'd send a new contract out priority post. I finally got it yesterday -- and it was EXACTLY the same piece of paper I had originally got! So... I've sent the new contract back to them, and let's hope it works this time. After that, of course, there's still another 10 working days before they can even switch on the ADSL connection; so I'll continue walking to Slaygon's to work each day.

The important stuff is unboxed now; but I haven't carried on, so I still have a load of boxes around. On top of that, I need to do the final clearing up in the old flat, as that will have new tenants from December.

So, a few odds and ends but it's getting there. I like the new flat - all the rooms are slightly smaller (except for the bedroom and bathroom), but squarer as well which I like - and it has a bath!

Marcel Donné came to visit and stayed at Slaygon's this weekend, so I managed to see him too. It's been a year since I've seen him last so it was good to catch up. Plus we found a new favorite restaurant - Tilda's, which is a five minute walk away. Excellent, excellent food and we still don't know why we hadn't tried it before! Methinks we'll be going again!

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