Thursday, June 15, 2006

Argh! Parents!

t's 15:50 in the afternoon, and my parents should have landed by now, and are probably in a taxi on the way here. Yes, they're visiting from today until Sunday. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with them. Obviously, there's places I can take them, but I really don't know what they like.

When I say "parents", it's actually my dad and step-mum. My dad and mum split up when I was 5, and I stayed with mum, seeing my dad at the weekends. It's a sad fact of life that, although he's my dad, we've kind of grown apart, so I don't really know their likes and dislikes. But, I do have a small idea, so hopefully it will all work out.

Anyway, I'm off to wait for the phone call to say they're here! I'll be back soon...

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