Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Winter Snow and Topless Bathing

The first snow of the Gothenburg winter fell this morning. It started about half an hour before I was due to leave, fell softly when I started to walk to work and gradually got heavier. I left my hood down and just let the flakes fall on me. Call me weird if you must, but I really enjoyed it!

One of my work colleagues is Australian, only moved to Sweden about 6 months ago or so, and she's only ever seen snow once, which was already settled. So you can imagine her excitement as she came into the office this morning, jumping around and saying "I had to phone my mum and tell her". Bless her, I wish I could experience that again!

There was also this article in The Local this morning, about women wanting the right to bathe topless. Well, I'm not going to stop them. Unless they're elderly ladies' floppy breasts (as Marcel Donné once put it).

Friday, November 02, 2007

Anybody "wanna" learn english?

Good lord.

I was reading The Local (Sweden's news in English), and I decided to click on the Notice board, where people can leave all kinds of messages. As you can probably guess, they usually fall into two categories: "Need a place to live" and "need a job". I myself am guilty of the second category, after posting a message on there about six months ago.

But sometimes there is something different on there, as this post shows. I've copied it below as well (just in case the previous link expires). Suffice it to say that it's an absolute classic. Yes folks, if you "wanna" learn english (with a small E) contact this obviously reputable fellow.


Ad type: Announcement
Location: Gothenburg/Västra Götaland
Date added: 2nd November 2007

if you wanna learn english language please contact me: trickyire@yahoo.com we'll make arrangements

Contact details for this advertiser are in the description


Originally uploaded by dollen
Great little photo. Sexy back, and the bird-flip is a bonus :)